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2017 2nd Edition (Other Editions)


Many psychologists feel that the key to a successful life lies in "balance." If a person has a balanced lifestyle, by their own measure, they are better prepared to handle life's challenges. The following quiz and chart can help you measure your balance of seven areas - family, health, education, career, service, financial and spiritual - in your lives.

Read each question and score yourself from 1 (low) to 10 (high) in each area. Put the score in the blank at the beginning of the question. Add your scores for each category and enter the total in the total score blank next to each category heading.

Next, transfer your scores to the diagram and place a small mark under the appropriate number. For example, if in the Family Area you have a score of 24, your mark will be placed just to the left of the "25" on the top of the chart. Next, connect the seven marks vertically to form a single line.

If your scores form a vertical line that is approximately straight, your life is pretty much in balance. Congratulations!

If, however, your scores form a line that has significant dents or bulges, in a zigzag profile, do not feel bad or surprised. Most people who take this quiz find some areas of their lives out of sync.

Look at where your highest and lowest scores lie: they tell you something about your current priorities. You may be concentrating too much energy and attention on the area with the highest score - and neglecting the area with the lowest. If the imbalance revealed on the diagram concerns you, take steps promptly to restore equilibrium. In addition, remember that we are all on a journey to reach our full human potential.

This "Whole Person" concept has been a pursuit of the Million-Dollar Round Table, an organization of advanced financial service professionals. Their research and materials are developed for financial advisors, as well as those they serve.

As the public healthcare is much more affordable for general citizens, the preference for it has led to heavy burden in the public sector. With limited resources such as healthcare workers and medical equipments, it gives rise to a number of growing problems, including long waiting times, decrease of healthcare service quality, and workers being over-stressed.

_____ a. How much time do you spend with your family?
_____ b. How much contact do you have with other relatives?
_____ c. Do you look forward to family gatherings?
_____ a. Do you exercise daily, weekly?
_____ b. Do you eat a balanced diet?
_____ c. Are you a non-smoker? Do you control alcohol consumption?
_____ a. How many books do you read in a month?
_____ b. Do you study regularly, attend classes?
_____ c. Do you watch educational television?
_____ a. Are you striving to become more productive?
_____ b. Are you regularly increasing your knowledge and skills?
_____ c. Do you have a written business plan? (enter 8 if not applicable)
_____ a. Are you involved in service to community or Industry?
_____ b. Do you contribute to any community, service, political, religious or industry activities?
_____ c. Are you involved in activities helping others?
_____ a. Do you have written personal financial goals?
_____ b. Are you living within your income?
_____ c. Are you creating, accumulating and preserving capital consistent with your stage in life?
_____ a. Do you have personal spiritual beliefs?
_____ b. Do you spend time daily reflecting or reading spiritually inspiring materials?
_____ c. Are you striving to lead a more principled life?
FAMILY 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
HEALTH 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
EDUCATION 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
CAREER 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
SERVICE 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
FINANCIAL 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30
SPIRITUAL 5 _____ 10 _____ 15 _____ 20 _____ 25 _____ 30